May 7, 2019
Mar 23, 2017 If you have just been charged with a criminal offense in Ontario, it is important that you take the time to understand your legal options before entering a plea in court. The first step is to determine what plea to enter in court is to read and understand your disclosure, a criminal […]
Mar 30, 2017 Building a successful business and brand takes money and a tireless commitment. Over the course of doing business, you may put in place many protections for company, this may include registering a trademark for your business’s name or markings. What is a trademark in Canada? A trademark can protect your brand by […]
May 4, 2017 A real estate lawyer is an essential part of the process of buying or selling a home. In a hot market, like the one Niagara is currently experiencing, hiring the right lawyer is essential. Your real estate lawyer’s role is to represent your interests and to ensure that you and your asset […]
May 25, 2017 Many clients do not realize the value of their real estate lawyer until they are well into the transaction process and their lawyer has uncovered an issue or a clause that could affect the transaction agreement. Your real estate lawyer’s sole obligation is to protect your rights within the confines of the law. […]
Jun 1, 2017 A new marriage is an exciting time in your life and includes a number of legal changes and obligations. While establishing your will is an important thing to do, marriage may not be a time when you’re thinking about your will. However, with any major change that happens in your life, your […]
Jul 17, 2017 Put down the phone is a distracted driving movement in Ontario, that aims to reduce the amount of accidents caused by drivers using their cell phones while driving. Cell phone related accidents are the most common distracted driving charge and are the primary reason distracted driving collisions have doubled in the last decade, […]
Aug 2, 2017 Over the past two years a provincially commissioned research study referred to as the Changing Workplaces Review was conducted on Ontario labour and employment standards. The purpose of the review was to “better protect workers while supporting businesses”. This research study culminated in a final report which proposed over 173 amendments to the Employment Standards […]
Aug 10, 2017 There are incredible benefits to entrepreneurship, but becoming a success story takes a combination of risk, planning, hard work and a great business idea. If you’re considering starting a business in Ontario, it is important that you have a solid business plan and consider and understand the elements of owning a business. […]
Nov 2, 2017 There is no right age to have your will drafted and though it may feel awkward to think about your own mortality, a will is an important document. Think of your will as a common sense document that every adult with assets should have, one that will impose your wishes and ensure […]
Nov 7, 2017 Entrepreneurs are an incredible asset to our economy. Their businesses drive local employment and provide income to our Region’s families. However, the reality of doing business is that as an owner you are exposed to liability. Without proper legal protections, you may be unknowingly exposing both your business and your personal assets. […]