Swimming Pool Accidents

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When individuals go swimming, they believe they will be safe. They trust the facility or pool will meet current safety guidelines, and that they will not be in any danger. Pool owners and caretakers are responsible to ensure their facility meets the standards set within current safety guidelines. Swimmers can easily suffer an accident as a result of:

  • Shallow water areas devoid of proper signage
  • Lack of depth markings or improper depth markings
  • Slippery pool decks
  • Broken or damaged diving boards, ladders, slides, stairs, etc.
  • Improper lifeguard supervision, including failing to limit exuberant play

Injuries can include spinal cord injuries, brain injuries, fractures, or even drowning.

Recovering benefits following a swimming pool accident can be difficult. Having one of our experienced lawyers from Chown Cairns LLP work on your behalf can be a significant relief. Our skilled lawyers have been involved in many cases where an individual has been injured at a swimming pool. We will conduct an investigation and contract experts to determine liability. We work on your behalf, applying all our knowledge of the law to secure the maximum compensation you deserve.

Contact Our Law Office

Serving the surrounding areas of southern Ontario including St. Catharines, Niagara Falls, Niagara-on-the-lake, Hamilton, Welland, Fort Erie, and Grimsby.

Regardless of your swimming ability, if you or a loved one has been the victim of a swimming accident or drowning as a result of pool owner or lifeguard negligence, contact us at 1-905-346-0775 at our St. Catharines office. We offer a free, one-hour consultation to discuss the specifics of your swimming pool incident.