Out of Country Accidents

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When you’re travelling outside of Canada, the last thing you usually think about is being in an accident. However, if you are injured when in the United States or abroad, you’ll suddenly be plunged into a world of complex care and seemingly insurmountable bills. Keep the following things in mind before you travel, so your vacation is everything you had hoped for.

Purchase travel insurance. It sounds basic, but many people don’t bother, especially if they’re just crossing the border for a day of shopping. But OHIP only covers a fraction of your medical costs in the United States. For as little as a few dollars per day, travel health insurance will cover virtually all of your medical expenses if you’re in an accident. It’s a small price to pay for huge peace of mind.

Fill out your insurance application carefully. Be completely honest about any procedures you have had done and what medications you are on. Some insurance policies will have exclusions about what they will pay for based on this information. And if you make a mistake, even if it’s an honest one, your insurance policy may be void, and your claim will be denied. If necessary, fill out the application with the help of your family physician to ensure this doesn’t happen.

Understand your insurance policy. Once you have insurance, it’s important that you understand what is covered, and to what extent. And when you’re injured in another country, the insurance benefits you are entitled to may be different than what you could get at home. An experienced personal injury lawyer can help you navigate the complex regulations in this situation.

Taking these few simple steps can bring you peace of mind on your vacation, no matter what happens.